We have a habit of losing thing in my house. Random things like the little metal piece that fits into the bottom of the treadmill that lets it unfold so you can run on it, and a random piece of racetrack leaving you almost able to use it, but not quite. A few weeks ago, Mister lost the back to his mp3 player, the little plastic piece that covers up the battery. i knew that the baby had been playing with the mp3 player - she is strangely attracted to technological gadgets and sugar - but I had no idea what had happened to that little piece. We looked high and low, inside and out (OK mister did, I gave a cursory glace around and gave up), but the missing piece was ne'er to be found.
This morning Little Guy brought me the acoustic 3/4 size guitar that we keep down in the basement for the kids to play with. because he had stuck a Matchbox Firetruck in the hole part of the guitar and he wanted me to get it out. The guitar is one of those things that I bought because I intended to learn how to play it, but once I realized that your fingers actually HURT when you are learning to play guitar, I gave up. Well I managed to get the firetruck out, but there was still something rattling around in there. Something flat and small and I couldn't get a good grip on it. Finally, after much tipping and turning and shaking and grasping it tumbled down to where I could manage to extract it. Yep - there it was - the back to the mp3 player.
I wonder where that ractrack will turn up....