I had a shoot at a baby naming ceremony today. It went well, but I kept running outside to sneeze so I didn't get germies near the babies. Have you ever sneezed when you aremultigravida? Sneezed repeatedly? And then coughed? No, it's not good.
After the shoot I went to Costco to pick up some really fun things, like dog food and milk. Oh, and gas. While I was there I also grabbed a few pairs of knit cotton bermuda shorts, which should fit me through the summer as long as I don't get too big too soon. I immediately put them on. They are as cute as cotton bermuda shorts can be, but hey, they fit. And at 9.99, I was pretty happy with my purchase.
After Costco I went to Publix to get food for dinner (I thought Mister was supposed to bring home the bacon?) and then, finally, got to go home. I was greeted as always, by a smiling G who ran to me and hugged me, hollering "Mommy's Home! I'm so glad you're home!" Then she immediately changed clothes and got in the car so Mister could take her to the pool. Later, mom!
So, as I was editing photos tonight, nose still stuffy and eyes bleary from lack of sleep, I came across this one of G. It was taken on a road trip to somewhere not too long ago, but I remember the moment well. "Look Mama, I made a smile just for you" And tonight I really needed this smile. Just for me.

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