On the first day, the entire family got together and took G to school. We parked across the street and walked her into her class. Her teacher, Mrs. Oaks, is really fabulous, and she has TWO assistants in her class. 18 kids with 3 adults, I like the sound of that. G is having a great time in Kindy, although she still hasn't learned any of the other children's names yet. She has the worst memory for names... she comes by it honestly; I do also. I will remember a face and a voice for years, but by the end of a conversation I have probably forgotten your name *hanging my head in shame* Don't be offended though, sometimes I forget my kid's names, too.
She started riding the bus home from school on Tuesday (Mister drops her off in the mornings on his way in to work). She looves the bus, especially when I don't fall asleep on the floor with Little Man just before it is time to go and pick her up at the bus stop. Happily we have very sweet neighbors who are kind enough to walk her home.
Wednesday G was the "Super Singer" in music class. Today, she decided she isn't much for T.P. (P.E.)
And so we are now a family with school aged children. Well, child anyway. Scary.

Awwww...what sweet pix. I can't believe she's in school already either. That early morning stuff really sucks. You look forward to their days off and vacations so you can sleep in, but then you find circadian rhythms are all messed up and there's no sleep anyway! The whole parenting thing never gets easier...only different.
Holy Cow, Amy!
Tyge is so gorgeous, just like his big sister. Can't wait to see what the new Cohen-Huffine munchkin looks like. And it makes me a wee bit sad to think that this is the last time I'll be sending a kindergartener off to his first day of school....
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