It seems like it only snows here in March. My friend Kath had invited my dear girl over to her house for a sleepover with her two darling children. G loves to go to Kath's house because Kath does things that I don't do, like throws tea parties for the stuffed animals. She is excellent and creative with the children, whereas right now the most creative I get is some watercolors and printer paper.
Kath brought G back home this particular Sunday morning and lo and behold it was snowing. Big, wet, sticky chunks of snow. The previous Sunday it had been 72 degrees outside. Crazy weather.
Something about snow is so magical, especially when you only get to see it once a year. The kids had so much fun making "snowballs" and trying to catch the flakes on their tongue. G got frustrated when she couldn't catch enough flakes n her tongue, so she pied a nearby branch of a tree and just licked them off of it...when she thought no one was watching, of course. Silly kid.

The snow melted by the next day. Because this is Atlanta, and in Atlanta snow is a calamity, G's school had a snow day on Monday. The snow had melted, but they still had a snow day... because there potentially could possibly may have been might have had a chance of ice on the road in the wee hours of Monday morning.
One of our neighbors had built a 3 foot high snowman. That snowman remained intact for about 4 days. It was really odd to see this random snowman sitting in a patch of green grass on a balmy 65 degree day. Thermodynamics ROCKS!