Thursday, October 29, 2009

Catching up! Row the boats!

After all that whining, Mister ended up working from home for the past few days because he's not feeling well and doesn't want to spread his germy germs around his office. So considerate. That extra pair of hands to just help me hold the baby during the day make SUCH a difference! I am almost caught up! Go me!

To celebrate, I edited some pictures I've been holding on to since June.

On our way home from the Florida trip, the kids and I drove by the park along the Chattahoochee River. It was approaching dusk and a thick layer of fog was collecting in along the river. The geese were in their geese mode, honking and begging for food. A random Mallard was with them, like an stepchild to the gaggle. Out in the river we could hear the callers telling their teams to "Row! Row! Row!" their boats, even though we could barely see them through the mist. It was one of those times that really felt like magic.

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