She's a devil dog. Get it? Like the snack cake?
Mister didn't get it either, which sent me on a mission to find the Devil Dog snack cake to prove to him that it DOES exist. I went to 3 different Publix stores, two Target Supercenters, two Super Walmarts and a Kroger, but still couldn't find them. I asked people in the aisles, stock clerks, friends. I described the cake, an oblong chocolate spongecake sandwich with creme in the middle, like a cross between a Twinkie, a Ding Dong, and a Swiss Cake Roll. I finally asked a manager at my favorite Publix if he had them, and he said that they used to carry them, but don't anymore - however the Publix near the perimeter MIGHT still have some in a dusty bin in the back. Who knew snack cakes could be so elusive?

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