Every year in October, the weather turns chilly and I get excited for the beginning of autumn. I relish the crisp mornings with a steaming cup of coffee in my hand and the beautiful colors of the leaves on the trees as I drive down the streets of my town. I take a weekend to pull out all of the winter clothes that I packed away in the spring and sort through them to see what is still going to fit this year and what we should pass on to our friends whose children are coming up behind us.
Invariably, as soon as I am finished with the sorting and the stocking and the washing and the putting away, the weather turns warm again for a week or so. Shorts and T-shirts, sleeveless dresses and sandals, where did I store those again? So back into the closet I go to find something for the kids to wear during this Indian Summer.
Last week was our last week of warm weather and I had a chance to photograph Little L in a very special outfit that was given to us by our dear friend the Herbalist. This is a vintage pinafore set from the 1940's that was salvaged from a home remodel. It has a little scene embroidered on it in black and white of a kitten and some yarn. I found this toadstool in Hobby Lobby and had to have it because I had pictured this scene months ago and I am so happy I was able to capture it before it was too late. Thank you, Indian Summer.