Invariably, as soon as I am finished with the sorting and the stocking and the washing and the putting away, the weather turns warm again for a week or so. Shorts and T-shirts, sleeveless dresses and sandals, where did I store those again? So back into the closet I go to find something for the kids to wear during this Indian Summer.
Last week was our last week of warm weather and I had a chance to photograph Little L in a very special outfit that was given to us by our dear friend the Herbalist. This is a vintage pinafore set from the 1940's that was salvaged from a home remodel. It has a little scene embroidered on it in black and white of a kitten and some yarn. I found this toadstool in Hobby Lobby and had to have it because I had pictured this scene months ago and I am so happy I was able to capture it before it was too late. Thank you, Indian Summer.

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