Monday, November 12, 2012

One year

One year. That is how long it has been since I posted last, almost to the day. And to be honest, I was not posting regularly up until then anyway. Life hit us hard in 2010... illness, job loss, my return to work full time at the wonderful Whole Foods Market, and has culminated with me returning to being a stay at home mom cum photographer and my husband taking a contract to work full time in the Middle East. He left in July. I miss him sorely. So now here we are, with three little kids, on on the precipice of becoming an adolescent (how did THAT happen so fast?!) and my little L finishing up her last year of nursery school before starting Pre-K. I wonder if I can hold her back from Pre-K until she's say... ten? I am going to try and start blogging with more regularity now, to catch up on what I've missed in the past two years and so as not to miss as much going forward. Thank goodness I have Facebook to help me remember what transpired, I think it serves as my short term memory almost entirely. Watch out, I might start posting my grocery list as my status update one of these days.... For now, here is Little L, on the beach in Carmel, CA last January. She believes she can fly. I believe she can, too. We all can, if we try.

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