The kids and I scrubbed and vacuumed and dusted like our lives depended on it. Even Mister got into the nesting game, helping with cleaning the basement and clearing any cobwebs that he could find. I had the insatiable urge to bleach the bathrooms. I have NEVER bleached the bathrooms. Until now. Since then, Mister has become even more efficient with the cleaning and is helping with dishes, blew off the deck and porch, washed the icky green stuff off of the railings, and generally vacumming every 5 minutes. When he sets his mind to something, he's really dedicated.
I have been occupied with laundry.. tons and tons of laundry. All that cleaning must have stirred something up because the kids both came down with colds which turned into bacterial conjuctivitis on Tuesday. They got the first antibiotics of their lives in the form of eyedrops this week... a monumental day for sure. I've been washing their bedding every night to prevent reinfection and it looks as though we are in the clear for now.
Thank goodness; Little Miss must be on her way's the only explanation for this cleaning compulsion.

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