He is
such a dreamboat. He loves cars and college football. (He is a huge Vols fan) He is a foodie - loves any sort of protein and is a connoseur of fine chocolates. He has an amazing sense of humor and is always the one to crack the joke when situations get tense. He never hesitates to give a good strong hug when you just deperately need that loving touch. He has the most amazing eyes... deep chocolate colored, warm and kind, with an impish gleam, framed by these lashes that go on for years. One glance from those babies can melt the coldest heart.
He adores my daughter, which is exceptionally important. And animals - he is a total dog lover. He is secure enough in himself to ask for help only when he really needs it.
He loves art and photography, and is working on giving his subjects clear direction and timing his exposures. He made these self portraits just the other day...
And today he turns three. We are so lucky to know you, Little Guy. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and a hundred more in your lifetime. We love you more than you could ever know.

Amy you are so beautiful....your outsides and your insides. :) But I've known that for about 16 or so years now. I love your writing. You are so artistic, and you have so many talents. What a beautiful place your blog is. Thanks for sharing it with me.
Aww, thanks Laine. I can't believe it has been 16 years and 7 kids between the two of us now... soon to be 8. Life is crazy sometimes. I am so glad you are back in mine :)
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