Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Dancin' in the dark...
Almost every night Little L wakes up and starts a babblin'. She laughs and giggles at every silly face you make and word you say. She kicks her chubby little legs and grabs for my hair with her dimpled little baby hands. This is our time... the only time when she gets my full and undivided attention, without the other monsters running amok or attacking her with their particular brand of affection. I treasure these late night tete-a-tetes... I know they will disappear way too soon.

So I am almost finished editing the 4th of July session, but I am going to have to call it a night. My baby is upstairs in our newly painted room waiting to nurse and I am just exhausted. Here she is now, just waking up for her snack, illuminated only by the glow of the television that Mister left on when he fell asleep... See you on the flip side.

Monday, June 29, 2009
Born on the 4th of July....
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday Confessional....
I steal jelly and coffee creamer packets from Chik-Fil-A because I am always running out at home. They tide me over until I can get to the store.

I took this when Little L was only 5 days old. When I found a cute frame in a local kid's shop, I knew exactly which picture belonged in it. The words read:
Sister will you...
make believe
play dress up
let me be the princess
tell me stories in the dark
always be my friend
I hope they always love each other as much as they do right now.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Welcome Ainsley!
Ainsley Ann was born in Kansas last Tuesday. I wish I could be there to greet her in person.! Welcome to the world little one!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Did I ever tell you about Jezabelle?
You know I have one dog, Zoie, who is the subject of many an image. She is a patient dog, always letting me dress her up and put things on her head. She is good with the children and sheds like a maniac. She comes when she's called, even if she has gone off of the property. She NEVER has an accident in the house, unless we've given her something that disagrees with her stomach... she's got a sensitive tummy. And she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer... once she got trapped under the kitchen table... those chairs are impenetrable.
Well, our other dog, Jezabelle, is the exact opposite of Zoie. A foil if you will. Everything that Zoie is Jezabelle is not. Everything Jezabelle is, Zoie could never be. Jezabelle has had many nicknames throughout the years... pissle-tail, Jeza-smell, beagle from hell, Cerberus... but her given name really suits her best. She has given me and everyone who has known her, so many headaches throughout the years, but the stories of Jezabelle will always remain entertaining.
Jezabelle ran away on Wednesday night. She used to run away all the time, and always returned. But this time she didn't come home. We waited and waited, but no Bella. At 2 am this morning I realized where she was... she had probably run to the camp behind us and they had probably turned her over to Animal Control. She loves to run to that camp in the summer... the kids there love her and feed her and pet her.... heaven for a dog. The staff usually calls us to come and get her, but this time Bella had lost her dog tags. So, this morning I went all the way downtown (getting thoroughly lost along the way) to see if Bella had ended up in the doghouse.
Sure enough, she was there. She had been renamed "Millie" and with an estimated age of 4 years old. Boy they were kind to her, she turned 11 last February. So I paid my 60 bucks (should have been 70 but she was too OLD to get another rabies shot... this set me to laughing so hard I couldn't speak for a while. Too old for a shot?!? Who ever heard of such a thing?) and brought her home, with a new ID tag and a dog who was grinning ear to ear that she had been on such a big adventure. 3
I'll start posting my Jezabelle stories here, so I don't forget them later on. I'd hate to forget... so here is the story of how we met...
I should have waited a week until the urge passed on. I was 19 years old and all of the sudden the urge to get a puppy hit me like a truck. I had grown up with dogs around and it had been 2 years since I'd had a full time furry companion by my side. It was a week before summer break, the timing was perfect. I could pick out a puppy and then take her home where my mom could help me train her. (Ha!)
I grabbed the newspaper and went to work looking in the pets for sale ads. I came across one that said "Beagle puppies, $30". I should have known then that they weren't really pure bred beagles, and maybe I did, but I didn't care. I drove out to the farm in rural North Florida to buy myself a dog. When I got there, only one pup was left. *I should have known! something was up at this point* She was the cutest little thing, all big floppy brown ears and sparkly little eyes. She had an Eddie Munster widows peak marking in black on her head and was just the most adorable thing I'd ever seen. As I wrote out my check to the portly farmer in the worn out overalls, I saw my new puppy grab a chihuahua puppy by the tail and fling her around in a circle. Oh how sweet, she's playful!
On the way home, my new puppy messed in her travel crate. I had to stop at a podunk convenience store to wash her off in the ladies bathroom around back that you had to get a key which was attached to a piece of wood to gain entrance into. Luckily, I had bought puppy shampoo on the way to get her. Once she was clean, and the crate was clean, and I was very not clean, we got back into the car to continue on. Sometime between the time I washed her off and the time I got back to my apartment I had chosen her name.
Back at the apartment, my roommate (who was not a fan of dogs) tried to bond with my new puppy. Jezabelle jumped right up and bit her on her top lip. My roommate was not impressed and I took off for home a day early... and then the adventures began.

Well, our other dog, Jezabelle, is the exact opposite of Zoie. A foil if you will. Everything that Zoie is Jezabelle is not. Everything Jezabelle is, Zoie could never be. Jezabelle has had many nicknames throughout the years... pissle-tail, Jeza-smell, beagle from hell, Cerberus... but her given name really suits her best. She has given me and everyone who has known her, so many headaches throughout the years, but the stories of Jezabelle will always remain entertaining.
Jezabelle ran away on Wednesday night. She used to run away all the time, and always returned. But this time she didn't come home. We waited and waited, but no Bella. At 2 am this morning I realized where she was... she had probably run to the camp behind us and they had probably turned her over to Animal Control. She loves to run to that camp in the summer... the kids there love her and feed her and pet her.... heaven for a dog. The staff usually calls us to come and get her, but this time Bella had lost her dog tags. So, this morning I went all the way downtown (getting thoroughly lost along the way) to see if Bella had ended up in the doghouse.
Sure enough, she was there. She had been renamed "Millie" and with an estimated age of 4 years old. Boy they were kind to her, she turned 11 last February. So I paid my 60 bucks (should have been 70 but she was too OLD to get another rabies shot... this set me to laughing so hard I couldn't speak for a while. Too old for a shot?!? Who ever heard of such a thing?) and brought her home, with a new ID tag and a dog who was grinning ear to ear that she had been on such a big adventure. 3
I'll start posting my Jezabelle stories here, so I don't forget them later on. I'd hate to forget... so here is the story of how we met...
I should have waited a week until the urge passed on. I was 19 years old and all of the sudden the urge to get a puppy hit me like a truck. I had grown up with dogs around and it had been 2 years since I'd had a full time furry companion by my side. It was a week before summer break, the timing was perfect. I could pick out a puppy and then take her home where my mom could help me train her. (Ha!)
I grabbed the newspaper and went to work looking in the pets for sale ads. I came across one that said "Beagle puppies, $30". I should have known then that they weren't really pure bred beagles, and maybe I did, but I didn't care. I drove out to the farm in rural North Florida to buy myself a dog. When I got there, only one pup was left. *I should have known! something was up at this point* She was the cutest little thing, all big floppy brown ears and sparkly little eyes. She had an Eddie Munster widows peak marking in black on her head and was just the most adorable thing I'd ever seen. As I wrote out my check to the portly farmer in the worn out overalls, I saw my new puppy grab a chihuahua puppy by the tail and fling her around in a circle. Oh how sweet, she's playful!
On the way home, my new puppy messed in her travel crate. I had to stop at a podunk convenience store to wash her off in the ladies bathroom around back that you had to get a key which was attached to a piece of wood to gain entrance into. Luckily, I had bought puppy shampoo on the way to get her. Once she was clean, and the crate was clean, and I was very not clean, we got back into the car to continue on. Sometime between the time I washed her off and the time I got back to my apartment I had chosen her name.
Back at the apartment, my roommate (who was not a fan of dogs) tried to bond with my new puppy. Jezabelle jumped right up and bit her on her top lip. My roommate was not impressed and I took off for home a day early... and then the adventures began.

Friday, June 12, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My Hometown...
We got to Naples at exactly 3:54 pm on Monday afternoon. I tried to leave Tampa at 9:30 am, but getting 3 kidlets packed up to go and getting things posted on the blog and doing a few errands that I had to do JUST THEN or else I would never get around to them sort of foiled that plan. My sister was anxiously waiting for me, this I knew, and was planning to leave work as soon as we rolled into town. Well, my mom told me that she was getting off at 4 pm that day anyway, so I arrived at her office just in tome to surprise her. Special delivery! I was going to say, and send someone in to find her holding Little L.
When we got there, I hurried the kids out of the car and we all ran into the building and started banging on the doors (she works in a high security building) to try and get someone to help us find her. After about 10 minutes one of her BFFs appeared saying she had left at noon to wait for us at mom's house. Drat! Foiled again!
So we went on down to mom's house and visiyewd before dinner. The kids had a great time playing Cooties with thier cousin LiLi while Auntie Angel and Panda fought over the baby. It's nice to be loved.
After dinner, when the kids were all settled in, I went over to my BFF Susy's house for a glass of wine and some chit chat. Her son, aged 7, was in his room, but not asleep when Little L and I arrived. Little L was a bit hungry at the time, and was fussing a bit too loudly for Sonny Boy. SB hollered "Hey! Tell that baby to stop screaming!" Susy replied "SB be quiet and go to bed" SB's response....
"NEV AH!!!!"
I about peed my pants laughing. I could just see him, sitting up in bed, arm raised, pointing his finger to the ceiling, claiming his place in the world. A world without screaming babies.

When we got there, I hurried the kids out of the car and we all ran into the building and started banging on the doors (she works in a high security building) to try and get someone to help us find her. After about 10 minutes one of her BFFs appeared saying she had left at noon to wait for us at mom's house. Drat! Foiled again!
So we went on down to mom's house and visiyewd before dinner. The kids had a great time playing Cooties with thier cousin LiLi while Auntie Angel and Panda fought over the baby. It's nice to be loved.
After dinner, when the kids were all settled in, I went over to my BFF Susy's house for a glass of wine and some chit chat. Her son, aged 7, was in his room, but not asleep when Little L and I arrived. Little L was a bit hungry at the time, and was fussing a bit too loudly for Sonny Boy. SB hollered "Hey! Tell that baby to stop screaming!" Susy replied "SB be quiet and go to bed" SB's response....
"NEV AH!!!!"
I about peed my pants laughing. I could just see him, sitting up in bed, arm raised, pointing his finger to the ceiling, claiming his place in the world. A world without screaming babies.

Monday, June 1, 2009
At the Lake
This family was so adorable last Saturday. The three girls were all just so nice and the littlest one was so cute I just wanted to eat her! I wish I could have quick edited a few more before I posted this, but I just don't have the proper editing equipment with me, so this will have to do until I get home. Thank you for being such an amicable family to shoot, you all. Even when you thought I was a bit off my rocker, you did what I asked without complaint. The final images are going to be awesome, I promise!!

Florida in 3/4 time
Last week I packed up the three kids and drove down to Tampa to visit my cousin and her family. The kids did really well on the 9 hour car trip. There was only one major meltdown (by G) at the begining of the ride. I was a bit nervous after that, but the kids settled in to watch a few (3) movies and all was well thereafter.
Stef had been up in Atlanta for a month waiting for Little L to arrive, and finally gave up after the 4th week of waiting. Two days after she left, Little L arrived... silly baby. So this was the first time the Tampa Cohens had met the newest addition.
I forgot that in Florida the mosquitoes are plentiful and ravenous. When I took Little Guy and G outside to play on the swing set the skeeters really went to town. I told G that it's because she's so sweet.
On Sunday, we attended Lil and Abs' voice and piano recitals. Those girls are really good! And the Senior Showstoppers performed a version of "Seasons of Love" that literally gave me goosebumps. Mary Jo's is definitely the place to go for classes in the performing arts.
Today we are headed down to Naples to see Nana, Angie and my BFF SusyJ. I can't wait!

Stef had been up in Atlanta for a month waiting for Little L to arrive, and finally gave up after the 4th week of waiting. Two days after she left, Little L arrived... silly baby. So this was the first time the Tampa Cohens had met the newest addition.
I forgot that in Florida the mosquitoes are plentiful and ravenous. When I took Little Guy and G outside to play on the swing set the skeeters really went to town. I told G that it's because she's so sweet.
On Sunday, we attended Lil and Abs' voice and piano recitals. Those girls are really good! And the Senior Showstoppers performed a version of "Seasons of Love" that literally gave me goosebumps. Mary Jo's is definitely the place to go for classes in the performing arts.
Today we are headed down to Naples to see Nana, Angie and my BFF SusyJ. I can't wait!

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