Well, I have been fighting off a cold for a few weeks now and I just keep to be feeling worse and worse. Not so terrible that I am unable to function and need to just
lay in bed all day drinking tea or anything, just a general feeling of puniness. So, in preparation for my trip down to Naples [Florida] to meet baby
Kadyn (if she's born yet) and see my mom's new
Yorkipoms (anyone
need a puppy? she's got 6! didn't heed Bob Barker's advice), I made an appointment with my doctor's office.
On the way to the appointment I picked up G from
preschool and made a pit stop at the Golden Arches to get the children some "chicken pieces" and apples. This, of course, started an ugly discussion about who was going to get more nuggets and who was going to get more apples...No,
I want the apples, but you ate them all last time, kid, so T gets them all this time...
Waaaa! Well, now you've just lost your nuggets, too...
BooHoo! You'd better stop crying if you want to try and convince me to reinstate your nugget ration... Gulp. Silence.
And so we arrived at the parking garage to the Medical Multiplex...you never know which doctor you are going to see, but y
ou can be sure you will leave with a prescription for something. Which I did, I am receiving treatment with an antibiotic for a possible bacterial respiratory infection. She
wasn't sure, but what the hay can't hurt. Shocker. So, I will live and the children were rather well behaved during the visit, if you ignore the happy screeching and the persistent tapping on the fish tank. They do have a lovely fish tank, will all the characters from Finding
Nemo in it. I'm sure they were all yelling "Hey, kid, leave the tank alone!"
bubble bubble bubble.