Monday, January 28, 2008

Not Funny.

I've always fancied myself as a wit. I'm not slapstick funny, but when I am in a jocular mood, I can consistently rouse a giggle or two from a one line zinger. Well, usually.

We had been playing outside this morning, well, the kids were playing anyway, I had taken DH's ancient laptop outside to entertain myself with the long extension cord that tethers it to life winding through the garage. Nonetheless, I felt very Star Trekkish and cool as I surfed the net under the shade of a pine tree with the birds tweeting all around and the children drawing happily on the driveway with chalk. DH called and we decided to meet for lunch at Moe's, a burrito chain around the corner. I called the children over and told them to start cleaning up, and then blew my nose on a tissue I had taken from the box which was sitting next to me. "Mom," she says "you might want to bring that box of tissues with you to Moe's in case you need it."

"Thanks for the tip, G, what a really really Hot Tip" I say, referencing her favorite movie du jour, The Safe Side, and poking her in the side. No response. "Get it? Hot Tip? Like the Safe Side Super Chick always says?"

"Yeah I get it."

"What, not even a smile. C'mon that was funny"

"It was funny, but it wasn't hilarious" she says, and leaves to finish putting the rest of the toys away.

Oh, no. I'm already the uncool mom!

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