It is caterpillar season here in Georgia and we have found quite a few milling around the yard recently. In fact, we have had much nature at our house recently... caterpillars, turtles, snakes, earthworms.... There are three birds nests around our house and they all have wee baby birds in them chirping away. One brave bird family made its nest inside our garage on top of the rail for one of the garage doors. We figured this out when the daddy bird flew into our kitchen by accident.. he apparently got sidetracked on his way home from work. Now we always leave at least one garage door open for them. Ahh spring.
Anyhow, G and Little Guy found this fuzzy little guy on the big rock in front of our house the other day... I wonder what kind of butterfly he will turn into? Or maybe a moth? What do you think, Lizzie?

I think it will be a moth! I looked it up with H.B. and we both think it is going to be a moth, although we aren't sure exactly what kind. Maybe someday we can tell you about a very special caterpillar Daddy found before I was born.
It looks like Colin's caterpillars from last year (they will get pretty blue spots when they get a little older). It is a tent caterpillar, those icky things that come from tents in the trees. And Lizzie is right, it turns into a moth. The ugly non-furry caterpillars usually end up butterflies. But the pretty fuzzy/furry ones are usually mothes.
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