I heard an unexpected pounding on the front door. Little Guy rushes up the stairs and rounds the corner headed to the window to see who it is. The dog sleeps. She's such a good alarm system. I want my money back.
Little Guy yells "Cha-lee! Cha-lee! 'En-ree!" The neighbor boys came for a visit. They are two of my children's favorite playmates. Every day on the way home form school G asks if they can come over and play. I am always delighted by how sweetly they all get along, playing dress up and pretend family at our house and climbing trees and hide and seek at theirs. I hope Little Guy is sweet like those two when he gets older.
Back to the surprise visit...it turns out that 'En-ree lost a tooth at school that day! And how proud he was of losing that tooth. It was the first top one he had lost, and that is a big deal to any kid. He had brought it over just to show G, in his little tooth carrying case in the shape of..what else..a tooth that hung around his neck. He proudly showed us how the inside of the tooth was "dirty" where the root had decayed.
Then, the boys came in and played dress up. By the time their mom called for them to come home, En-Ree had lost his precious tooth. It had fallen out of his pocket while he was changing for dress up. I assured him I had a picture of it so the tooth fairy would know about it. Happily, G scoured the house and was able to find it, so that 'En-ree could show the fairy his tooth himself.