Then, I headed to Trader Joe's to restock the fridge which had gotten quite empty, where Little Guy decided to just simply lie down in the middle of an aisle rather than push his little kid shopping cart along with me. I put him in the big cart then, where he tantrumed for a while about being buckled in.
Mister calls and telle me he needs me to do a headshot for him at lunch for his company's press release, and is one of the toughest clients yet. Thankfully, as we were finishing up I got some good ones. What do you think? Not bad for having been taken in the garage. Yep, no backdrop, no special lighting, just sunlight and the gray garage wall.

Rush hour traffic on the way back, and Little Guy also ended up pantless due to an exploding diaper. Stopped in to Publix with my junkity crew, me covered in baby spit up when I don't have a baby, G in wet clothes (again) and Little Guy, pantless, but with blue rainboots and an Elmo bike helmet. Nice
Finally home and it is time for homemade pizza, which was the highlight of the day until my friend Di brought be a Chocolate choclolate chololate Blizzard from DQ to soothe my soul. What a sweetheart. What a day.
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