So, I was getting the kids ready for a bath the other night, when Little Guy decided to sit on his little potty seat for the first time. I went into my room to get something and he comes running in, barebottomed, and grabs me by the hand. "A Mess!" he says. "A Mess!" I follow him to the bathroom and what do you know, there sits a little piddle in his potty. G and I were so proud of him, There was much dancing and clapping and joyful shouting. I went to get my camera, and when I got back, G had cleaded the mess up for me. Sweet, but eeeewww! And when I tried to get Little Guy to pose on the potty for me, he wasn't very happy about it. Oh well.
He hasn't done it again since. Maybe the joyful shouting was just too much.

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