Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Ray is G's little friend from school. The two of them make a great pair, both being a bit on the reserved side at first, but once engaged, they are both very playful and fun. They agree on most every game, and on this day made each other friendship bracelets. Bosom Buddies at 4.

Ray has a little brother, Cee. Cee and Little Guy are close to the same age, and actually seems to play well together in their own toddler boy way. Cee body checks Little Guy, Little Guy pouts, Cee hugs him. Then Little Guy shoves Cee and Cee goes down, and Little Guys consoles him. It is interesting to watch, and I believe it is a strong indication of how the male human relates to other male humans, not just in toddlerhood, but throughout his life.

Today we are headed back up to their house for another playdate. It's great for me, too, because Ray and Cee's mom is a very cool chick who like to indulge in some well earned coffee talk. And we both like McDonalds. Kindred Spirits.

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